Feel like you are living in a constant state of stress with your spouse? Experiencing anxiety at even the thought of interacting? ….but you have kids and you aren’t quite ready to throw in the towel…? It’s scary to even think about it.
Maybe it’s time to get some help for your marriage and see if things can really change? Below are three things to try before throwing in the towel.
Therapy for Yourself.
Everyone has their own issues and needs support at one time or another. A therapist can help you focus and deep dive into the areas you want to work on and heal. Therapy can be an ultimate form of self care!
Marriage Counseling for the Two of You.
A licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) is specially trained in helping couples work through marriage issues. Another option if you feel things are really bad and you are considering divorce but aren’t quite sure yet is that you can check out Discernment Therapy. Discernment therapy is used to help you determine if you determine if you want to reengage or keep the marriage or move on.
But wait, isn’t mediation for divorce? Yes, it can be but mediation is a third option that couples sometimes use to work through a particular stuck point or issue. Sure there is mediation for divorce but it doesn’t have to be for divorce. Mediation sometimes helps couples to work through an issue and to break the impasse. To be clear, mediation doesn’t replace therapy, Therapy focuses on the past and healing. Instead mediation focuses on what’s going on now and how to make it different for the future. And that might be exactly something that you need.
The Bottom Line
Although you aren’t quite ready to call it quits on your marriage yet and you need to know if it can change. And you have choices. Working on the three suggestions above can help you figure that out. And that’s what you need to know–can your marriage be saved, redeemed–is it worth keeping and hanging onto. We can help!
If you’d like to discuss mediation further (that 3rd option), please set up a complimentary chat with me. I’d be more than happy to speak to you about how my services may be able to help your specific situation.
(651) 399-2222 | info@greatrivermediations.com