Remember when Ashley Madison, the website that helps people cheat on their spouses, was hacked? As news spread, many of us probably wondered if our own partners would be capable of cheating.
A survey by polling company YouGov uncovers some rather startling statistics. When they asked roughly one thousand Americans about their fidelity, 21% of men and 19% of women admitted that they had, in fact, cheated on their partners. Another 7% stated they would prefer not to answer the question. It’s safe to say we can probably put that 7% over with the “yeses.”
Another study, this one published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, found that the average person has about a 42% chance of cheating on their partner. 9% of these participants admitted they had already strayed.
If these numbers are getting you to wondering about your own relationship, here are 4 signs your partner is being (or is thinking about being) unfaithful:
(Before hopping into this, while these are potential signs, please do not interpret this as, “Yes, my spouse is cheating,” or “No, they aren’t”).
1. More Time Away from Home
Has your partner suddenly become a social butterfly? Are they spending time at social events or out with co-workers after work? Does their job suddenly require they spend more time on out-of-town travel assignments?
2. Secretive Smartphone Usage
Do you find your partner spending more time texting on his or her smartphone? When you enter the room, do they suddenly put it down?
3. They Seem More Irritable
Do they seem like they get easily irritated by anything you say or do? Do they blow up when asked simple questions or accuse you of accusing them of something?
4. Lack of Sexual Desire
Even though they are getting slimmer and wearing tighter, sexier clothing in public, they have a lack of sexual desire in your direction.
You Can Recover from An Affair
While it is painful to recognize your relationship may not be as strong as it once was, the good news is, you can recover from an affair. When the offender shows true remorse and the partner is ready to truly forgive, healing can begin, and the relationship can become even stronger than it once was.
If you or someone you know is reeling from the betrayal of infidelity and you’d like to explore support, please get in touch with me. I’d be more than happy to discuss how I may be able to help.
(651) 399-2222 | info@greatrivermediations.com